Understanding Addiction
Designed to bring understanding to the factors that drive addictive behavior, Understanding Addiction looks at chemical dependency from a neurological viewpoint. Explore the limbic system, pre-stress conditions, the effects of dopamine and more in this informative lecture.

Presented by Lifeline-connect Director, Randy Brown, this session is tailored for friends and family members of addicts, as well as addicts themselves.

Lifeline-connect is a Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling drug and alcohol addictions. Their mission is to help men rebuild their lives physically, emotionally, financially, socially and spiritually. This residential learning center provides a healthy and stable environment where men are able to focus on their recovery and receive the community support they need.

Your Love Is Killin Me
An intimate discussion and dramatization of the relationship often experienced with someone who is struggling with addiction. Director, Randy Brown, talks with a former addict and mother of an addict, about the dynamics of the Addict/Enabler relationship and how to “love” an addict with a healthy love. Find inspiration to begin the journey towards a healthy relationship of love without enablement.