When Will The Rapture Happen?
It is the most frequently asked question in Bible prophecy! Everybody wants to know: “When will the rapture take place?” Will it be pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation? Prophecy teacher Irvin Baxter was always taught that the rapture would occur before the Great Tribulation. However, when he really began to search the scriptures on this subject, many things contradicted what he had been taught. Finally, he was forced to admit that the Bible teaches a post-tribulation rapture. In this DVD. Baxter takes us through the scriptures, step-by-step, showing exactly what the Bible actually says about the rapture.

The pre-tribulation/post-tribulation discussion is not a salvation issue. We all must stay ready for the Lord to call us out into eternity at any time. But it does affect the mindset of Christians. Should we be expecting to one day just disappear, or should we be gearing up for the greatest evangelistic thrust the world has ever known?